Tuesday, July 18, 2023

July - The Birthday Month

 Yes - it's July which brings 4 birthdays and an anniversary!  

First up was Aleah's 14th birthday, along with Robby and Jill's anniversary - #20 this year!  Since both of those fall on the 4th of July, they celebrate all at once!

Aleah got a new Apple watch!

Next on the list is Jessi who celebrated her birthday by working and going to volleyball tryouts for daughter Kenzie!  Oh well - such is the life of a mom!

Jill celebrated her birthday by having a massage and relaxing!  AND eating her gluten free bundt cake!

My birthday will have a separate post - stay tuned!


DrKeppy said...

Yay for July birthdays!

Jill said...

I do love July! It's quite busy though! I just counted the "events" in July-19 of them between birthday's and anniversary's.

Teri said...

What a fun month for all of you!