Monday, January 12, 2009

A Typical Colorado Winter Day

It's Monday - and it's snowing out like crazy! No, it wasn't a fun drive into work this morning but the snow is pretty - and it's winter so what do we expect?

I left our house this morning feeling really good about our accomplishements this weekend! It was "Christmas Take-Down" weekend which is MAJOR at our house! SO I not only take down all the Christmas decorations and put them away, but I clean and then re-decorate the entire house! Many, many hours are involved but I don't mind it and it's such a great feeling of accomplishment when it's all done!

Glenn also worked on the house this weekend, putting up our closet door in the bedroom (hooray - I've been waiting SO long for this!) and putting the new door on our bathroom! He has a few more trim boards to cut before I'll tackle the varnishing of this last project! And he also cut a huge pickup load of wood to burn!

So with all of that out of the way, now it's time to concentrate on more "fun"things in life! Vacation is coming up in February - time to make those packing lists, tan a few times and ATTEMPT to lose a few pounds before the swim suit comes on! It's Monday and I'm smiling - how cool is that???


ahh bear said...

I loved your "feeling lighter" analogy - you must be feeling that way too!!!

BTW - even though I bought all the supplies to clean my windows - I haven't done it yet and both Sam and I cringed when we saw how dirty the windows were in the computer room!!! Next warm day it's going to happen!

DrKeppy said...

Glad your week is starting off great!

Teri said...

I will have to try to catch your enthusiasm for winter as I am not too thrilled with the 0 degrees outside. But like you said - vacation is around the corner :)