I was SO excited to write this blog this morning that I planned it out in my head as I was driving to work! With coffee in hand, I even had to call Jessi (she's ALWAYS up at that time of the morning!!) and tell her about my morning because it was one of those times you just HAVE to share it with someone!
Anyway, here's what happened - when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is look out the window (it's right next to my side of the bed and it's a large window) to see if there's any wildlife standing out there - a lot of times there is a deer or two or three standing out on the road or over by the trees! This morning I saw one - it was between our house and the neighbors so a little distance away - and as bleary eyed as I was this morning, I had a hard time focusing on what I was seeing! I couldn't see the deer's head and finally realized it was turned to the side, underneath her legs - strange - and then I realized what I was looking at - a little, tiny fawn walked out from under his mom's legs!! I don't think I've EVER seen a fawn that tiny!
I turned to Glenn and told him there was a little one there and turned back to the window, and guess what, another little fawn emerged from under his mother's legs! Twin fawns are not unusual, but I was still extremely excited to see them! So I'm standing there watching and then I couldn't believe my eyes, another little one walked out - this one was dark colored, kind of a cinnamon color and I couldn't see any little white spots on him - it was then I decided he had just been born and was probably all wet!! (Note, I of course don't know that they had all just been born but chances are they probably were early that morning!)
I told Glenn I was going to throw some clothes and shoes on and grab the camera and TRY to get some pictures - as I was dressing, he told me they were walking up towards the woods - darn - I ran outside in the early morning dawn, trying to be quiet on the gravel so I could get a little closer and lo and behold, there were not 3 fawns - no, there were FOUR of them - quads!!! I have NEVER heard of this before!! They were the cutest, tiniest things following their mama into the trees and I snapped and snapped pictures before they disappeared!
So where are the pictures? - they didn't turn out - it was just too far away and too dark to capture them - my camera is just a simple one with no special lenses or anything!
Just the day before I had commented to Glenn that when I walked out on the deck, there were 2 deer bedded down below the house - and one was all sprawled out - usually they don't do that - and my first thought was "this doe is going to have her fawns right there" but of course that didn't happen and she got up and moved away!! The next night, Glenn spotted probably the same doe, all bedded down in our trees - so I believe this is the same doe that delivered the 4 little fawns! And I'm hoping that she will bring them around so I can capture them in pictures - wouldn't that be awesome???? But mama does are known for keeping their little ones hidden from sight for a LONG time!
I've already named the fawns: Salty, Pepper, Sugar and Cinnamon - and mama is named Heidi!
My morning was blessed, seeing these tiny little fawns and their mother - and I'll be wearing a smile all day, knowing that getting up early to exercise, was WELL worth this priceless moment!