Sunday, June 28, 2009

Location - Location - Location

I think our property must be the PERFECT birthing grounds............

As we pulled up our driveway after our day trip, Glenn saw a deer bedded down just a few yards off the gravel - he parked the car up by the garage and I grabbed the camera that was in the car and walked down close to where the deer was sitting - I thought maybe it was Heidi and her 4 fawns - no such luck - it was just her and she gave me the evil eye when I got close to her so I turned around and headed into the house.

Fast forward a couple of hours - I have bacon/cream cheese stuffed mushrooms in the oven (yum!) and I glance out the window and see a deer walking so I yelled at Glenn (who was in the office on the computer) to peek out that window to make sure there weren't any little fawns with that deer - he said there weren't any with the deer that was walking but the deer that was bedded down was licking something like crazy and he thought it was a newborn fawn! I grabbed the camera, he ran and got the binoculars and we stood at the office window and watched a newly born fawn try to get up on his wobbly legs! Oh my, it was so cute!! Mama licked and licked him and Glenn and I took turns with the binoculars - she and the baby were only about 20 or 25 yards away but of course she was bedded down in a brushy patch and there was a tree kind of blocking our view!!

I told Glenn that usually does' have twins so we needed to watch and see if another one would be born - about that time the doe stands up and Glenn sees the 2nd fawn born and drop to the ground - darn it, I had the tree in the way at that time so didn't see the actual fawn being born - oh no, I got to watch the afterbirth - yikes!! We stood at that window for at least another 45 minutes watching mama lick her 2nd newborn and then watch him try to stand up! It took the 2nd fawn quite a while before he was able to stand on his own - and he was just as cute as the first one!

Did I take pictures?? Of course I did - did they turn out through the window? - of course they didn't! You'll just have to take my word that the twins (Freckles and Speckles) are just as cute as the quads and I'll be watching nightly for at least ONE of these families so I can FINALLY get some pictures!


Teri said...

Amazing! Enjoy it all!

DrKeppy said...

You're just going to have to put buying a fancy camera on your To Do list :) I hope you get to see all the babies soon!