Sunday, June 21, 2009

Reflections Of My Dad!

Some Father's Days' are harder than others not having my dad around because I miss him!

And Sundays are sometimes tough too because EVERY Sunday night, Dad and I used to take turns calling each other! I guess we started the practice when Glenn and I moved out of state to AZ. - come Sunday night, we would always talk!

Dad was a talker let me tell you! He could start up a conversation with a perfect stranger and talk for hours with him! Dad just had that gift of gab and he just loved to talk - there was never a lack of conversation when he was around!

One of my favorite things about my dad was his smile and his laughter! Dad was rarely crabby or grouchy - he was just always in a great mood and he loved to laugh!! At times, he would laugh so hard he would cry! And that would make the rest of us laugh too!

I always believed my dad had a good head on his shoulders for business and he was always ready to listen to a new venture and give me his opinion on it - he was there for us when we needed to borrow money and never hesitated to loan it to us - and there was always a smile and a proud feeling when the money was paid back to him, knowing that he had raised a daughter and taught her to pay back all her obligations!

Dad LOVED to travel and I think I got my travel bug from him! I don't think there was ever a summer that we didn't take a vacation! It might have only been up to Lake Okoboji for a fishing trip but I have wonderful memories of the cute cabins we used to rent up there! And then there are the memories of driving to California! My sister Patty and I both recall taking turns during the night, talking to dad to help him stay awake while he drove!

I also recall that dad loved to just "go for a drive". It might just be around the surrounding area to check out the crops or something but it was always fun to do that with him!

I know my dad worked hard being a farmer - he used to milk cows, morning and night, and it was always a challenge to find someone to do that when he had to be out of town or when we were taking a vacation! Dad gave us chores to do too - and instilled in all of us kids a good work ethic and a great sense of responsibility!

Even though dad is gone and has been for several years, the memories haven't faded! Each and every picture that I see Dad in, has a special memory tucked away in my mind that reminds me of all the great times spent with Dad and how lucky I was to have him for a father!


ahh bear said...

It was wonderful to get to read things about Grandpa!

DrKeppy said...

Ditto to Amanda's comment! I'm glad you shared those memories :)

Teri said...

Thanks! We all miss him and your memories helped me remember some things I had almost forgotten! Yes - his smile was infectious!

kneddermeyer said...

I can still hear grandpa's laughter ringing in my ears and can visualize him wiping tears of joy from his eyes. He was a jolly guy and I'm glad that is something we all remember about him. He is missed.