Monday, June 1, 2009

Jill's Baby Shower

Saturday was Jill's baby shower at our house - Jaime, Jessi and Joleen hosted the shower and I just provided the house! We had a nice turnout despite the weather and it's always fun to get together with friends!
Papa got the wonderful job of babysitting - Becca had brought her 3 kids over so Rayna had a playmate which was nice and little Sophie spent her time upstairs with mom as she's just a little over one year old. But Kayden is 3 and along with Evan and Kylan who are both 2, Papa had his hands full! 3 little lively boys who couldn't be outside since it was raining! DARN! No sandbox, no bug catching and no playing with cars on the deck! Despite all that, Papa did an awesome job!
Jessi was in charge of the games and we had fun playing baby pictionary and the "Name Baby Game"! Then it was eating time and opening gifts! Joleen prepared a great supply of yummy food and Becca baked the cupcake centerpiece! It was darling!
I'm sure Jill couldn't wait to get all those wonderful baby presents home and in their proper place in the nursery! Just 6 more weeks and the little one will be here!


Teri said...

What a cute cupcake! Can't believe that baby is almost here. How excited are you??

ahh bear said...

What a fun weekend! I love the cupcake too!!! Maybe we can get that recipe?

Thank you for the guacamole tip - I'll do that next time!!!