Monday, June 15, 2009

A 3 Event Weekend!

Sometimes when we get back from spending a weekend in Denver, I feel like I need a day to recuperate! We jam pack more things in one weekend than anyone I know!

The weather cooperated all weekend - it was nice and sunny - perfect weather for a perfect weekend! And what did we do??? Lots of fun and crazy things!!

1) RAYNA'S dance recital - this year Rayna did Pom Poms - of course she was the cutest and the best one in her class! She even received a special award for being "Most Dedicated" in her class!

2) JAIME and I did some serious planning for our Disneyworld trip in November - we sat at the computer for over 2 hours, checking out menus and deciding which restaurants to make advance reservations at!

3) CELEBRATED Father's Day a week early - Glenn got some much-needed leather sandles and a new pair of shorts!

4) ATE a great meal at Jessi and Gary's place on Sat. night - the BEST part was the strawberry shortcake with fresh strawberries and whip cream - YUM!!!

5) GLENN cooked pancakes for everyone on Sunday morning and made "snakes" with eyes for all the grandkids - they loved it!
6) FINALLY we got to go to the reservoir! What a great place to relax in the sun while the kids play in the sand - the water was still cold but it didn't bother them!

7) SHOPPED at Kohl's and bought a new bathing suit!! I think I could write an entire blog on trying on swimsuits and ONLY the women who read this can appreciate what I'm saying! Trying on suit after suit after suit and looking at your pale body in the mirror is NOT on my Top Ten List of Fun Things To Do!

8) MADE the grandkids and kids think I was going crazy when I grabbed an empty paper towel holder and pretended it was my megaphone while I played out being camp director! I yelled instructions to the chef (Papa), to Mrs. Smith (clean-up detail) and to all the grandkids who were campers! They all thought I had lost my mind............ maybe I had!

9) FELT Mackenzie's two new teeth! And also picked up my new picture of her which is already in its' frame on my desk at work!

10) RECEIVED an awesome massage from Brad! I'm sure he needed to practice and what more deserving person than ME to benefit!!

11) SAW Ashley and Shannon, Brad's girls' from Florida who are visiting for the next month! They are 2 beautiful teens!!

12) PLAYED yahtzee with Jessi and Gary (I won!) and actually got to spend some quality time with Gary who is ALWAYS working it seems when we're around!

Picture taking was fun this weekend so I'll post a few here and the rest in another blog as I haven't figured out yet how to post more than 5 at a time!


Teri said...

I get tired just reading your blog! But what fun! What a better weekend than spending time with kids and grandkids!

DrKeppy said...

It was a FUN weekend!!! You should remember that I made ANGEL FOOD cake after the oven disaster!! SO glad you could come up!