Monday, June 8, 2009

Being The Bargain Shopper That I Am........

Wow - did I ever make out at the city-wide garage sale! Check it out - an exersaucer, a riding toy for the boys (not the cheap plastic kind either!), a toy push cart, a Tonka dump truck, 3 sleepers for Mackenzie, 3 tank tops and 3 t-shirts for Evan, 5 paperback books for me, 2 hard cover kids books, and a stand with fireplace tools - all for the price of - are you ready - $20!!!! They need to have those kinds of sales more often!

So after filling my car with all the items, I stopped at my office and cut a bouquet of lilacs for the house - gosh, they smell so good!!

I had a GREAT weekend - my list of things to do wasn't TOO long and inbetween the work I sat in the sun reading a book, had my special coffee out on the deck, did a little scrapbooking, started a new blanket, ate cinnamon rolls on the deck with Glenn, watched 2 movies, and even downloaded some new songs from ITunes and made a new CD!

Patty and Jessi would have been proud of me - I have some awesome dance songs on the CD - a little Ricky Martin, Foreigner, Santana, John Melloncamp - in fact, after I downloaded it, Glenn was sleeping on the couch so I couldn't crank up the stereo - So I headed down to the lower level and put it in the DVD player and gosh, I had forgotten how good music sounded with the surround sound downstairs!! I was just in one of those great moods and couldn't keep my feet still so in between playing pool, I danced!! There's a nice little ceramic tile walkway to the woodstove so I would dance on the tile, and then shoot a few shots on the pool table!! The pool cue stick worked great as a partner, even though the turns were a little tough!! Yes, it felt good to be wild and crazy for a little while!!

Alas, Monday came....................


ahh bear said...

WHOA!! All of that for TWENTY dollars?! Wow!

Teri said...

You're weekend sounds almost as good as Amanda's - what fun!