Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Break

I remember spring break - but it sure wasn't a week long and it always fell over Easter! And then my kids had spring break and that did turn out to be a week and usually did NOT fall over Easter!! And now the grand kids are going through spring break............and the cycle continues!!
Because Jaime and Kylan had not been to our house since last June (can you believe it????) we tried to find a time for them to come down on a weekend but that just wasn't happening. Between Kylan's t-ball and Rayna's volleyball, weekends are OUT!!! So they decided to come down during the middle of the week and I took a day and 1/2 off to be with them!
I met Jaime and the kids for lunch at Wines of Colorado on Wednesday! It was SO nice out that we actually sat on the patio - gosh that sun felt nice!!! I had a $40 groupon to spend so we enjoyed our hamburgers and grilled chicken sandwiches plus the 2 desserts we ordered - yum!!!
Jaime had never been to Glenn's workshop either!! So we toured that next and finally ended up back at the house! Rayna and I made cookies!!!
The weather was perfect again on Thursday and we went to the play park for awhile and the kids got in the hot tub and "fished" for a LONG time!!! I played the good Nana and let Jaime take a long nap while I played with the kids!!!
They were SO excited when the deer came!! I grabbed some deer food and told Rayna to hold out the container to see if they would eat out of it and sure enough they did!!!
Then it was Kylan's turn and he was all smiles!!!

After a nice manicotti dinner, we ALL hit the hot tub!!! Glenn, as usual, was goofing off so ignore the weird expression on his face!!!
It was a great time and hopefully Jaime won't wait almost another year to spend some time at our place!!!


Teri said...

Unbelievable that you can live so close and then can't find time to be together - but that is life. Sounds like a great time and so nice you could take off in the middle of the week :)

DrKeppy said...

Glad it FINALLY worked out to have the Smith's visit! I am still jealous that you ate at the WInes of CO...! :)

Patty Jensen said...

loved Glenn's look - haha and the deer pics with the kids - so cute!