Monday, April 30, 2012

Those YUMMY Sugary Cereals!!

Do you know how long it's been since I had a bowl of Honey Smacks???
WAY TOO LONG!!!  I bet I haven't bought a box of these since I had the girls at home!!  Anyway, Kellogg's cereal was on sale last week so of course I was hoping that Special K Red Berries was one of the ones on sale because we always eat that, along with my favorite, Mini-Wheats.

Well, the Special K was NOT on sale - but Honey Smacks were - I noticed the box as I was walking by and thought to myself - I don't care HOW much sugar is in this cereal, I WANT SOME!!

Now the surprising thing is this:  I opened the box this morning and actually ate 2 bowls - that's how good it tasted!!!  And then I pulled out the Mini-Wheats just so I could compare and then I would know that I wasn't allowed to buy Honey Smacks again because they're so BAD for you!!  WRONG!!  There wasn't a whole lot of difference!!!  The main GOOD thing about Honey Smacks is it was 1/2 the calories of Mini-Wheats - HOORAY!!!  But the sodium count was double - BOO!!!

But I learned that I CAN actually buy this cereal again when I get hungry for it because it's not only GOOD for me, but it tastes great - you just can't beat that!!!


Teri said...

Isn't it amazing how we can rationalize eating some stuff :) I do that with dark chocolate all the time. Enjoy!

DrKeppy said...

You're so cute! :) I don't think I have had Honey Smacks in that long either! You used to buy it all the time!!

ahh bear said...

Okay - now I want some!!!

Patty Jensen said...

Loved this story!! I love them too but don't buy them either - memory - this is how I remember it - at Aunt Dorothy's when she lived in CO??? we were very small -anyway she had a china closet where she had a sugar bowl and in that sugar bowl was cereal - honey smacks - I can remember eating them - now isn't that the weirdest memory ever???