Wednesday, July 3, 2013

125th Celebration of My Hometown

What could be more fun than brunch with a few of your classmates from high school?  It was a pretty small showing since our graduating class was 40 people but we weren't going to complain - we just enjoyed visiting and visiting!!  The church had an excellent meal of ham, eggs, fruit, rolls and donuts and the best part - LEFSA!!!  I was too busy talking to go back and get a second piece but it was delicious and a couple was cooking it on site at the church!  I was impressed!!

It was a little crazy at Patty's house since she had her 3 daughters, son-in-laws and 7 of her 8 grandchildren there!!  But it's all part of the fun!!

Glenn and I found time to visit with our good friends, Bob and Jeanine from Nevada who were at their relatives' house which was right across the street!!  We all walked downtown together to grab a bite to eat and listen to some of the entertainment!!

After a quick stop at the softball game, we did head back to Patty's since a quick shower went through and we were getting rather wet!!

Next on the agenda was Aunt Nadine and Uncle Don, along with their son, wife and kids stopping in for a quick visit before the school reunion!!  We enjoyed talking with them and catching up!

And then it was off to the all school reunion - we added a couple more to our bunch so a total of 10 were actually present - a nice meal was served and it was sure fun to see people that I hadn't seen since high school - luckily we were all wearing name tags as I wouldn't have recognized a lot of them!

A street dance was held that evening and the band was fantastic!!  We danced and danced, talked and talked and because the music was so loud, found ourselves hoarse the next morning from trying to visit over the band!!  But it was SO much fun and a great time seeing people!!

The night was short but we had to get up the next morning as we were heading to church at the South Church!!  Time for a "3 Sisters" picture before church!!

I love going to the South Church for services and thoroughly enjoyed seeing and visiting with more people!!  Here's a picture of Patty and Leonard's grandchildren - all cute as buttons!!

And then it was time to point the convertible towards Omaha and fly back home!!  What a wonderful time we had seeing and visiting with Glenn's relatives and mine - celebrating Soldier's 125th - and attending the school reunion!  Besides the memories, I have some commemorative items that will certainly remind me of the great time back in Iowa!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

So glad you guys made it back! Looks like you had a great time. Love your purple tank top!