Tuesday, July 15, 2014

4th of July

Happy Birthday to Aleah who turned 5 years old July 4th - ready for kindergarten - where did the last 5 years go?   Also Happy Anniversary to Robby and Jill who celebrated 11 years together!

We decided to head out to camp, even though we knew it would be crazy with the 3 day weekend!  The small camper had to suffice again as Glenn hasn't had time to put the hitch on the back of the 5th wheel for the ATV trailer and I hadn't had time to pack it yet - someday!!

Glenn had an early morning appointment with the buyer at work so as soon as that was done, we headed over to Poncha Springs Pass - we had camped over there years ago in a really neat spot - unfortunately it's all blocked off now and you can't get in there but we found another spot along the same ridge that worked out just fine!  It was actually behind a fence (there were cattle around) so we just kept the atv outside of the fence so we didn't have to open it every time!

After we pulled in and unhooked the trailer, Glenn happened to glance at the tire and went Oh No - that didn't sound good - the wheel bearing was shot and the tire was about to fall off!  Luckily we hadn't driven any further or we would have been along side of the road!  Glenn tore it apart and we headed back into the nearest town to get parts - yes, they had them and he had it fixed by late that afternoon!

We had a great 3 days - lots of good food to eat, even though it rained 2 evenings while we were grilling - new trails to explore with lots of beautiful scenery and relaxation time!!

 There were a lot of butterflies out this time and I waited patiently till I could capture 2 of them in this photo!

 Did you watch Bonanza when you were growing up?  I loved that show and since we were heading into this tiny town, I knew I had to have a picture!!  No services at all offered there - just a few homes and a fire department!

 Beautiful odd looking aspen trees all over!

 Glenn was out walking around and found a treasure - I explained what it was - geocaching!!  So I added a cool looking rubber band and we placed it back where he found it!!  The treasure was planted in 2007.

A great 4th of July weekend - and a quiet one at that!

1 comment:

Teri said...

How wonderful! Bet you will have lots of weekends like that.