Friday, July 18, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Jessi who celebrated her birthday on the 10th (driving home from Iowa so not the most exciting day but she did get ice cream - whoo hoo!!) and Happy Birthday to Jill whose birthday is on the 13th (along with mine).  It's not too often that I'm in Ft Collins or she is at my house on our actual birthday but this year was the exception and it was fun to celebrate the day with her!

We decided the guys could handle the kids for most of the day so we headed out to do some shopping and to see the movie "Divergent".  I had just finished reading that book and was finishing up reading the 2nd book in that series called "Insurgent", so was excited to see the movie.  Because it's been out for a while, it was at the cheaper theater (always a plus) so we purchased our buttery popcorn and headed in to watch the movie - it was great!!

 After the movie we headed to Red Lobster - we shared a yummy mango berry daiquiri and I had garlic shrimp which I always order when I go there - Jill had some wood fired shrimp and it was so good that I do believe I'll order it next time!!

 And of course one has to have the brownie delight!

 When we arrived home it was present time!!  The girls gave me money to put towards all the items I had bought to stock the 5th wheel - now I can't wait to pack it!!  Glenn gave me hiking poles and wool socks since I've joined a hiking club so I'm anxious to try them out next Tuesday!

 Robby gave Jill a camelbak which she'll use when she bikes!!

What a great birthday we had together!!  We even told the guys they could go see a movie when we returned and they did just that - enjoyed seeing the new Planet of the Apes!!


Teri said...

What a fun way to celebrate. I want to hear all about your hiking club - sounds great.

DrKeppy said...

Glad you got to spend your birthdays together! Wish I could've been there too! Your post title does say brithday in case you didn't notice! :)