Monday, July 7, 2014

Will Those Darn Cabinets Ever Arrive?

Plans were ONCE AGAIN to install Jessi's counter tops the last week in June but it wasn't to be...........Jessi and Home Depot have had MANY conversations the last few weeks and I know not all of them were good!

But I hadn't seen the kids for quite a while so decided I would head up to Denver for the weekend anyway and Glenn decided to stay home and catch up on some R & R!

Jessi had wine coolers waiting along with a great dinner!  And because she didn't have time to make dessert, I told her we would go to Safeway and buy ice cream because I hadn't had my all time favorite, Chunky Monkey, in a long, long time!  And we needed to celebrate my retirement!

At first we couldn't find it and even googled Ben and Jerry's to make sure they still made it and yes, they did!!  Jessi started reading the tags below each one and sure enough, there was a vanilla in front of all of the Chunky Monkeys - we were dancing in the aisle we were so excited!!
 It was beautiful outside and we made good use of the deck that evening!

 Saturday morning was coffee day - and then a few garage sales - and then a walk up to the park where the kids were swimming!

 Mid-afternoon we went back to the pool with the Smiths - it was nice and hot out so the cooler water actually felt great!

 After swimming we headed to Chipolte's for dinner with Jaime, Brad and the kids and then back to Jaime's house for dessert!  What a fun day!!

Sunday morning we actually had time to stop for coffee and smoothies before church!

Shopping was next on the agenda - I was buying things for our new 5th wheel and Jessi and I had fun picking out items!  But then my phone rang with the news that no one EVER wants to hear - it was Glenn telling me there was a fire in our subdivision, about 1/2 mile from our house.  And he needed to know where the evacuation list was!!  Funny how in times of stress you can't think at all!!  I knew it had been hung on the side of the frig since last year but I also remembered taking it down and filing it.  So I just started listing things for him to pack and then would call every 5 minutes and remind him of something else!

Jessi and I headed right back to her house and luckily I was pretty much packed up so I hit the road for home - Glenn called a little later and said the fire was out and all was clear - WHEW!!  Too close for comfort - and now the NEW evacuation list is indeed hanging on the frig!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

fun with kids - no fun with fire. Glad it missed you!