Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Annual Family 2nd Year Camping Trip!

It was fun cooking breakfast in the new camper and by late morning, the first of the kids had arrived!  After helping the Keppy's set up, we ate lunch and then the Savages arrived so again we helped them and it was nice when everyone was set up!  The Smiths weren't due to arrive till the next morning since Jaime had to work.

Thursday afternoon was a time of ATV rides, reading, taking walks and just having fun with everyone!  The pictures tell it all!!
If there was ANY fire involved, you can bet Evan was right in the midst of it!!

Although the pop-up camper that we gave the kids still needs some work, it did just fine for the camping trip!

Aleah looks a little puzzled as to why she's on this ATV!!

In between the rain, we did get to have an early campfire with s'mores!

Cell phone service was VERY sketchy and the batteries would drain fast from searching for service so we kept them off most of the time!  But Thursday evening we decided to check them and there's a message from Jaime - CALL ME!  So we did and it wasn't great news - Brad was loading the ATV on the back of his truck and was walking down the ramp when it collapsed - he fell and landed on his foot wrong - the neighbor took him to emergency as Jaime was working and even though it wasn't broken, he had to be on crutches for the next 2 weeks!  So there was no way they could come camping!

Jessi and I put our thinking caps on and figured out a way to get Kylan and Rayna back home if Jaime could just bring them out and after many messages and texts, Jaime ended up bringing just Kylan out the next morning!

Don't Gary and Jessi look relaxed in their new chairs?
After Kylan arrived the guys took all the kids fishing - of course it started raining right after they left but they sat in the car awhile till the rain subsided and got to fish a little bit - Aleah was the only one that caught a fish and she was pretty proud of that!

She kept asking Papa when he was going to cook it for her so when dinnertime arrived and he DID cook it, he told her she had to taste it - but she wasn't having ANY part of that!!  To be cont'd...

1 comment:

Teri said...

I love Aleah's look with that cooked fish! What a fun time. So sorry to hear about Brad - hope he heals fast!