Monday, April 6, 2009

$10 - Now Give me $20

I love listening to an auctioneer - it just amazes me how FAST they talk and how they can get their words to sound like they do!

Sunday afternoon was our annual 4-H auction - because I used to be a club leader when our girls were in 4-H and since I am now on the 4-H Foundation Board, I always support the auction - if fact, I helped out at it for many years! Now it's a real joy to just ATTEND the auction and not have to worry about setting up, manning the tables, and clean-up!

They have now included a chile cook-off at the beginning of the auction so Glenn and I both enjoyed a bowl of hot chile before the auction started!

The live auction was first but since there wasn't anything we were interested in, we took that time to walk among the 10 silent auction tables and place our bids - lots of bids!! I want the 4-Her's to earn as much money as possible (all the items are donated of course) so I'm notorious for writing our auction number down again and again, bidding on items that I'm sure I won't get, but raising up the bid each and every time!

But this year they didn't post each items' winners like they have done in previous years so unless you were standing right by an item you were bidding on when they closed the table, you really didn't know if you got it or not until you checked out! Note to self - next year keep TRACK of the items you are bidding on and MIGHT get so you're not totally surprised when you go to the check out!!

Did we end up getting a few items?? Oh my, I had NO IDEA we had bid on so much and were the last bid on so many items! Wow - we made a haul! But again, it was all for a good cause and all the items we ended up getting were things we would use!

The items: a case of oil, a gift certificate for a pickup load of trash to the transfer station, 3 $20 gift certificates to local restaurants, a $25 gift certificate to the place I get my Friday coffee, a $25 Creative Memories (scrapbooking supplies) certificate from my consultant, a $25 gift certificate to our local hardware store, the game Cranium ( in the box, never opened, for $5.00 - what a steal), 2 square woven baskets with liners, 2 huge Easter baskets full of toys and candy - 1 boy and 1 girl, 10# of wonderful lean ground beef from friends of ours that raise cattle, a family 4-pack of tickets to the North Pole (Santa Claus Land) ( a super bargain as we will not only be taking Rayna this summer, but also the 2 little boys!) and the best bargain of the day for $6.00 - a booklight that not only plugs into a battery pack but ALSO into an electric outlet and 28 hardback Danielle Steele books!! I'm a great fan of hers and yes, I've read about 1/2 the books in the box but one can NEVER have too many books to read!!

All in all, it was a great auction and a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon!


ahh bear said...

Holy cow - that's AWESOME!!!! It's like going to IKEA (but none of the stuff being Swedish)!

DrKeppy said...

You are THE bargain shopper! I learned from the best! :)

Teri said...

Sounds like you got some fun stuff - and all for a good cause. Enjoy them all!