Saturday, April 18, 2009

Round 1 of the Snowstorm

For ONCE the weatherman was right - we DID get a snowstorm - we are STILL getting a snowstorm!! It started snowing Thursday about 5:00 and didn't accumulate a lot during the night due to the high wind - but the roads Friday morning were snowy and icy and school was closed so our office declared a snow day - HOORAY!!

It snowed hard at times on Friday - and then would clear up and you would actually see blue sky for a little while - but then it would move right back in with the huge, beautiful flakes!!

It's Saturday today and I was lazy yesterday and didn't post the first set of pictures: So here is Round 1 of the snowstorm - and if Glenn doesn't get TOO ambitious and scoop everything in sight, I'll have some more by tonight!! (Notice the blue sky in the one picture - in the midst of the storm!)

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