Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Sounds of Spring

Glenn told me this morning as I was flying out the door to work, that he heard a couple of hummingbirds yesterday!! ALL RIGHT!! It's time to get the feeder out and hung up so the little birds will come to OUR house this year, and not the neighbors!!

We had a few come around last year but not near as many as I would like - the trick is to put the feeder up at just the right time so the hummingbirds get used to coming to it and then they'll usually hang around the entire summer! But of course it's still freezing at night so hopefully the water won't freeze!

And by the way, today was the FIRST day that I have walked outside in the morning! Gosh, it felt SO GOOD to just walk for my exercise instead of the usual clogging, floor exercises, hula-hooping and jump roping!! Granted, I had to wear a heavy sweatshirt with a hood and gloves as it was only 28 degrees but that's OK - it's ONLY going to get warmer and warmer!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

YEAH for spring! We finally got to work outside this weekend. FINALLY!