Monday, March 15, 2010

Birthdays - Late and Early

I left Ft. Collins about 12:30, prepared for a nice hour and a half drive to Denver - WRONG - this time it wasn't the traffic, it was the weather!! Rain/snow/sleet - whatever you want to call it - it was coming down and made visibility not only poor, but that darn stuff that they put on the interstates gets on your windshield and it's just like grease!! I think I went through a gallon of windshield wiper fluid during the drive!!

Nevertheless, I DID make it to Denver!! My first stop was at Jessi's to get an adjustment - I've been dealing with neck/shoulder/back problems for a couple of weeks now and couldn't wait to have her make me feel better - she always does...........

Then it was over to Jaime's to play with her kids for a while - Jessi's family eventually came over and we celebrated an early birthday for Jaime (March 19th) and a late birthday for Rayna (March 2nd).

I was excited to give Rayna her gift from Glenn and I - a child size REAL guitar!! I'm hoping she'll allow me to give her lessons so she can learn to play - she knows some of her notes from me giving her a few piano lessons but that didn't seem to excite her too much so hopefully the
guitar will be something really fun for her!

After a great dinner of chicken enchiladas, we ate YUMMY fruit pizza, complements of Jessi, to celebrate the birthdays!

Glenn had called about 4:45 telling me it had been snowing all day so I promptly left at 5:30 - the drive again wasn't great due to snow, snow, snow!! By the time I got around an hour from home, the highway was snow packed and icy and I came home to about 6 inches of wet snow - barely making it up the driveway!! I'll be glad when spring gets here so I don't have to worry about driving in poor weather conditions!


DrKeppy said...

Glad you stopped by to visit :) Not a good driving weekend for you though huh??

Teri said...

Weather didn't sound great but the visit sounded wonderful! How nice you can get up there for quick visits like that! (By the way- we hit 60 yesterday!)