Monday, March 15, 2010

She Was Worth The Drive!

Even though the drive was horrible getting to Ft. Collins (see previous blog), seeing Aleah made it all worth while!! I don't get to see her as much as I do the other grandkids so I always look forward to my weekends in Ft Collins!

Aleah is now 8 months old, sitting up on her own, laughing and smiling! She's a good baby and except for one evening at bedtime, I rarely heard her cry!! Jill had to work Saturday morning so I had the pleasure of babysitting Aleah and we had a great time together!

After Jill got back home, we took the 2 dogs and Aleah for a LONG walk to a park - Aleah loved swinging in the swing and the weather was gorgeous!
Jill and I had to slip out while Aleah was sleeping (Robby was there of course) to get a mango smoothie from Panera Bread - yum - they're still as wonderful as ever! I also picked up a small refrigerator for Glenn's new shop that Robby had located on Craigs List!

We watched a really bad movie on Friday night but did enjoy Saturday night's movie which was "The Time Traveler's Wife" - and of course we all lost our hour of sleep!
Sunday morning, we sat down at the computer and I showed Jill pics of our cruise ship and some of the different excursions we were taking. After looking at the dining options, Jill decided we just had to dress up a couple nights - and she insisted that I try on her prom dresses and bridesmaid dresses to see if any of those would work! So upstairs we went and I tried on dress after dress - I felt like a teenager again, trying on prom dresses!! Luckily, Jill and I are the same height and basically about the same size so the dresses fit pretty good - and she even had shoes to match the silver and purple dresses! And the verdict?? I brought the silver, purple and blue dresses home and I'll go from there (and of course the shoes to match!!)
It was a fun weekend and since Easter is not far off, I left knowing I would get to see Aleah again soon! Thanks for a great weekend Jill!


ahh bear said...

I'm with you!!!! Traffic makes me SO stressed out. I went out to dinner with some girl friends last Tuesday and I needed a good half hour to calm down from the crazy driving once I got there!

Aleah is soooooo cute!

It's great that Jill could share her old dresses with you!

I don't know if they have this in her area but in ours, you can donate old bridesmaid / prom dresses to a group that distributes them to high school girls that can't afford prom dresses ... in case she has some she doesn't want!

Teri said...

What a fun weekend! And to share dresses with your daughter! Bet you are getting excited about the cruise.

DrKeppy said...

Yep - you're just going to HAVE to dress up at least one night on the cruise! It'll be so much FUN!!!

Aleah is so darn cute. I love seeing some of Rayna and Mackenzie's outfits again on her!