Monday, May 17, 2010

Could It Be - There's No Internet At Sea????

Before I blog about our first full day of the cruise, I need to tell you about yesterday’s blog – since the internet is SO expensive to use on the cruise ship, I opted to write it out in WORD and then paste it into my blog! Easier said than done!! I tried every which way to do it but just couldn’t get it to paste! I finally tracked down the computer expert onboard (who is usually hanging out in the library) and asked him to help me! He had a hard time figuring it out too so I didn’t feel so bad then!! BUT each pic has to be downloaded all by itself and that is frustrating waiting for that to happen and knowing that the dollar signs are just ticking by as I wait!!
Then I tried to move my paragraphs around the pics and that proved to not be an easy process either!! So forgive me as all of my pics will either be at the bottom of the blog or the top!! Where’s my tech person when I need one????


DrKeppy said...

How strange that it is difficult to cut/paste?! Glad you found someone to help! Yes don't waste your time putting the pictures in order - we don't mind!

Teri said...

We will take whatever you put out there! And just enjoy!