Wednesday, May 26, 2010


As much as I love going on vacation, it's always a good feeling to get back home and get back in your "routine". I'm definitely a routine type of person - I know how each day is SUPPOSED to be and as long as that day goes somewhat as planned, I'm a happy camper!

To back up a little bit, Jessi picked us up at the airport on Saturday and we went back to Jaime's house to celebrate Glenn's and Kylan's birthdays! The whole gang was there except Gary - boo hoo - we always miss him when he's working! After a great dinner, presents, and cake, we drove on home that night and it felt great to sleep once again in our own bed!

Glenn had to work on Sunday as he had an installment that had to get done and I spent the day doing laundry and catching up on the mail!

And Monday it was back to work! It's always a couple of busy days at work after I've been gone but it's always nice to come back to a job that I love!

So this weekend is Memorial Day Weekend - and since I have a 3 1/2 day weekend, we ALWAYS go camping! But not this year - and that will seem pretty strange to just spend the weekend at home! Glenn must work after the long vacation and also because we're taking off again in a couple of weeks to head to Iowa - so it's work hard again until the next trip!

My plans for the weekend? I'm not sure yet - I'm hoping Glenn can take one day off so we can take the ATV out for the day - we haven't ridden it really since we bought it! My windows aren't washed yet for the summer so I'm sure that will be on the list too, along with a little bit of housecleaning! Otherwise - I might just enjoy being home............

1 comment:

Teri said...

I love routine too! We will be gone for half of the long weekend but home for 2 days of it - still planning on what to do - way too many things on my list to get done!