Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I'm not much into doing landscaping or gardening - never have been - but I LOVE to look at flowers and gardens and shrubbery. I really enjoy walking through the botanical gardens and beautiful landscaped properties and I admire people that do this type of work!

Here in the mountains, we don't have to worry about lawns - most people just have the "natural" look which consists of pine cones, pine needles, dead wood, shrubs and lots of rocks - I must say, it's VERY easy to take care of!

So Glenn took on the job of landscaping the side of the house, after the rocks were put up on the and he did a great job! He terraced the side and then planted not only the junipers we had bought but dug up some grasses and shrubs from our property and replanted them.

We also have flowers on the covered porch - most of them are in pieces of wood where Glenn has hollowed out the inside and they are very fitting for the log house - we do have one huge pot that was right at the edge of the covered porch filled with flowers - well, until yesterday at least - I came home and walked up the one step to the porch and immediately noticed ALL the flowers were gone, just the lonely plants were sitting there - Glenn informed me the deer had eaten all the blossoms off - needless to say, we moved the pot further back on the porch!

Speaking of deer, when I was out walking this morning, I saw a doe and her 2 twin fawns run across the road in front of me - gosh, they were cute!! I wish I would have had my camera with me! It was indeed a Kodak moment!

1 comment:

Teri said...

I love your landscaping - Glenn did a great job. We are planning a new look for the back yard which may include "no grass!" - just gardens and walkways. We will see!