Thursday, April 16, 2009

Check It Out!!!

This is what I saw when I came home today!!!!

WOW - I was SO IMPRESSED!! Hubby worked his little tail off today! No, the boards aren't screwed down yet and of course there is a railing to do around it but gosh, I was tickled pink to see all the progress on this deck!!

And to top that - Glenn got a granite job!! HOORAY!

(And yes, that's slush you see in the pictures - we're expecting 1 to 2 feet in the next day and a 1/2 - I'm hoping for a snow day!!)


ahh bear said...


Teri said...

WOW - what progress. Now send a pic with all the snow on it ;)

DrKeppy said...

I am so impressed! WOW!