Monday, February 22, 2010

The Homecoming!

We've been home almost a week now - enough time to realize that sometimes, things just don't go as planned!

Not only did we come home to frozen water pipes but the second night as Glenn was trying to unthaw the pipes, the sewer backed up - yep, it was full - not seeping over to the leech field like it was supposed to because it was too frozen!

So the sewer was pumped out - not a problem - but the pipes are still frozen - yes, we do have water to a degree - Glenn can hook up a hose from the actual well into the house and at that point, we do have water for the day or the evening. But it freezes again each morning - so showers must be taken in the evening!

Then yesterday, the 3rd thing happened - the hot water heater went on the blink - after trying to take a shower twice, I finally gave up! Supposedly it was just having issues because Glenn kept draining the water out to work on the frozen pipes! I'm REALLY hoping there's some hot water when I get home from work!

It's been an interesting week at our house - we're both trying to look at the bright side of things though - as in "it can't get TOO much worse"!! Ha Ha!


ahh bear said...

Hi! I just caught up! Mexico looked beautiful! And all of your ideas for next year sound amazing!

I hope you get some hot water soon - I'm sure that's miserable!!

Teri said...

What a mess! Good luck!