Anybody that knows me, knows that I LOVE to dance! Unfortunately, Glenn and I just don't make the time to go to nightclubs so I end up just dancing around the house a lot! When all 3 girls were married, of course there was a reception with a dance and I was in seventh heaven! Give me country, rock and roll, oldies or just good dance music and you'll find me out on the floor!
Over the past years, it seems there were a LOT of wedding dances so I would generally get my quota of dancing - but this year, there just hasn't been any until Friday night! One of our friends' daughter got married and yes, there was a reception dance following the wedding!
The wedding was gorgeous - it was an outdoor one and unfortunately the weather had turned pretty cool that day so it was quite chilly sitting outside! But we all warmed up once the DJ cranked the music up and turned the lights down low!
What a fun dance! We did all the usual wedding dances - it's always fun doing the YMCA and watching the "wedding party guys" wear the hats and strut their stuff! One of these times I'll get Glenn out there to do the Electric Slide but he was content to sit and talk "hunting" with the guys during that one!
I did request a couple of country songs so Glenn and I could practice our 3 step - no, we didn't forget how - but we sure seemed out of breath at the end of the song!
As usual, we closed the place down - I could have danced all night (well, maybe not!) but the thought of that long drive home and an 8:00am departure time the next morning made me realize it WAS time to get home and get a little bit of sleep. We're not as young as we used to be - but it's sure fun to pretend we are!