Sunday, November 22, 2009

Christmas Decorating - HO HO HO!

Yes, the weekend had FINALLY arrived and my list was super long - first on the list was the Christmas decorating along with a trip to the Springs for some shopping and lastly to start the packing for Thanksgiving and our trip to Walt Disney World!

The shopping went fine - luckily the traffic wasn't too bad yet as I had an early start and the best part was finding nearly everything on my list - that doesn't happen too often!!

Decorating for Christmas is always a joy - I put on the Christmas music and decorate to my hearts' content!! Note to self - next year plug in the lighted garland strings BEFORE wrapping them around the staircase railing (which takes a LONG time!) I left the lights on all day but because the sun was shining in most of the day, you couldn't really see the lights - so when darkness came, I stood back to admire the staircase and about started crying!! Amidst all the brightly colored strands of light on the railing were 2 strands of white lights!! These 2 strands were SUPPOSED to be on top of my cupboards but since I failed to plug them in before I started, I had put the colored lights on my cupboards!!

Now to anyone else, this would be no big deal but to those who know me, they know it IS a big deal because I'm such a perfectionist on decorating!! But you'll be proud to know that I LEFT the lights as they were and decided it just adds a little bit of character........

I also got a lot of the preliminary packing done for the weekend! Thanksgiving is up at Jaime and Brad's house and because I will be staying up there till we fly out on Sunday morning, all the suitcases and clothes must go up when we leave on Wednesday night! I need a list just to keep track of all of my OTHER lists!!


ahh bear said...

Looks great! I'm jealous!!!

DrKeppy said...

It looks wonderful! Darn about the wrong colored lights but yes it will add character! Can't wait to see you!

Teri said...

Love the look - can't wait to put mine up this weekend!