Saturday, November 28, 2009

Turkey Day - 2009

A day of giving thanks - a day to be with family - a day of eating all that wonderful food!! This indeed was the scene of our Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Day dawned bright and sunny at Jaime and Brad's house in Denver! I awoke with a start and glanced at the clock - oh my gosh, it was 7:45 and I jumped out of bed, thinking we needed to get the turkey in the oven!! You see the night before was a super late night!! Because Glenn had a granite install that he had to finish, we knew it might be a little later than usual before we got up to Jaime's house - I was thinking 8:00 or 9:00 at the latest!! Right - we arrived at midnight!

So feeling blurry-eyed, I hopped into the shower, grabbed my bib overalls and raced to get ready for the day - but when I came upstairs, it was nice and quiet and only Brad was up - hmmmmmmmm, what's the deal here! Oh right, Jaime forgot to turn the clock back downstairs when daylight's savings time was over - it was only a little after 7:00am in the morning! Darn, I could have used a few more minutes of sleep.........

Soon Jessi's were over, the Smiths were all up and breakfast was cooking!! We missed Jill, Robby and Aleah this year as they went to Iowa for Thanksgiving! After a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese and sausage casserole (this is the BEST!), we proceeded to work on our big meal which was to be eaten right at 12:00 since we knew the kids needed to nap, Gary had to go to work, and Glenn had to head back home to work for a couple of days before driving back up to Denver so we could fly out on Sunday morning!

Our meal was delicious - a little chaotic with both boys thinking they were dying of hunger before the meal was actually ready and then not really eating that much once they sat down! But all in all, our meal was fantastic!! Brad had smoked the turkey for a couple of hours before we put it in the oven and it was wonderful!! This along with our mashed potatos and gravy, crockpot stuffing, Hawaiian sweet rolls, corn pudding, crunchy coleslaw, relish tray and delight salad stuffed everybody to the max!! The pumpkin and apple pies that Jessi made had to be saved for later.........
The house seemed empty after Gary and Glenn both left - our usual Thanksgiving afternoon is looking through the ads and planning our shopping day for Friday so our lists were made with a plan of attach, that soon was squelched when Gary learned he DID have to work after all so Jessi had no sitter for a while! Bummer!
Rayna and I went for a long walk after lunch and I even had to rest for a little while when we got back -after all, that's what lazy afternoons are for!!

It was a truly wonderful Thanksgiving - I'm thankful for my wonderful family, good health and bountiful blessings!


ahh bear said...

Looks wonderful!!! love the overalls - traditions are the best!

DrKeppy said...

Another great year!