Thursday, November 19, 2009

Is Thanksgiving REALLY Next Week?

The one thing I DO NOT LIKE about the month of November and December is that it virtually flies by so fast that I feel I don't get to savor the holiday seasons like I should! But that being said, I AM getting organized very quickly for the holidays because I REALLY want to enjoy the month of December, just sitting in front of the fireplace, apple cider and book in hand, watching the lights on the Christmas tree!!

This week has been a busy one (aren't they all???). Sunday night was dinner at a friends' house, Monday night was church ladies night out, Tuesday night was a massage, and last night was choir girls night out! I am extremely excited that nothing is going on the next 2 nights, nor on the weekend as tonight I will start the Christmas decorating!!

Of course, the decorations can't come out until I take down all the fall decorations and get them put away - and then there's the dusting to do before the holiday things go out!! One of the MAJOR cleaning jobs is on the top of my kitchen cupboards where I have a lot of fancy wine and liquor bottles and some of the pretty "stuffed food" bottles, along with lights and grapes and vines!! It all gets VERY dusty during the course of the year so that all must be cleaned good before it's taken down to the basement to store for a month and a half!

On the bright side of things, my Christmas cards are all ready to be mailed - yes, I ordered them early, wrote and printed the newsletter and they're setting on my desk (probably gathering MORE dust!!) Leaving the Sunday after Thanksgiving for another vacation leaves me no choice but to be even MORE organized this year!

On the not so bright side of things, Glenn was in the ER yesterday with heart problems - he's been having some issues lately and either today or tomorrow, will see a cardiologist where they can determine what the real issue is - it's nothing life threatening at this point but if the condition is not treatable with medication, he may need to get a pacemaker.

Between Thanksgiving and the trip, you can't imagine how many lists I have going..... But as long as something is crossed OFF every day, I'm happy!


ahh bear said...

I'm itching to decorate too! My tradition is to do it Thanksgiving weekend so I'm trying to hold off until then. I can't wait to see pics of your decorations!

Keep us up to date about Glenn!

Teri said...

Glad to hear about Glenn (via your email). You are just way to organized! I am starting to feel the stress but want to enjoy this season. I did have last night to get my dishes done from the past week so that helped:)

DrKeppy said...

I really thought I had commented on this one.... I think I got too distraught after reading about Glenn since you didn't get a chance to call me!!

I keep waiting for another blog......