Thursday, December 23, 2010


Since we're closed tomorrow for Christmas Eve, I decided to stop and get some coffee this morning - only my regular place doesn't open till 9:00 on Thurdays so I was reduced to going to a place I used to go here in Woodland Park!

When I pulled up to the parking space, there was a sign outside describing their "drink of the day". And that's when I decided to go OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE and order something different than my usual "medium mocha, shot of caramel, skim milk, whip cream"!! Aren't you proud of me Jessi????

I ordered a "White Snowy Kiss" which consisted of white chocolate, white ghiradella, french vanilla flavoring and whip cream!! And guess what?? It is ABSOLUTELY delicious!!

Move over Caramel Mocha, you now have some competition!!!


ahh bear said...

You have to remember that combo since it was their drink of the day!!!

DrKeppy said...

Ohhh I AM so proud of you!! That sounds yummy!! :)