Monday, July 13, 2009

15 Reasons to Camp in the Colorado Mountains!

We went camping this last weekend - oh, how I love to camp!! And as we were sitting in front of the fire roasting marshmellows that first night (by the way, marshmellow news - I FORGOT to pack the marshmellows - imagine that - miss organized forgot something - anyway, we stopped at a gas station and I ran in to see if they had any - of course they did but they were "Kraft", the expensive ones which I never buy - but since that's all they had I had no choice - let me tell you, they were the BEST roasted marshmellows I have EVER had and they roasted nicely and plumped up nice and fat - I guess sometimes name brands which are more expensive are WORTH it) I decided a great blog would be to list the reasons why I LOVE camping in Colorado in the mountains!! So here goes........

1) The smell - there's just something about camping when it smells like pine trees!

2) There are thousands of acres of government ground in Colorado and it's all FREE if you wilderness camp - what a bargain!

3) Sleeping is FANTASTIC!!! Because it usually gets pretty cool at night (sometimes down in the 30's) you get to hunker down under the covers and cuddle to stay warm!

4) Humidity - there isn't any!

5) If you so choose, you can camp by the clearest stream imaginable and let the sound lull you to sleep!

6) Mosquitos - there's just not a lot of them around - some parts have them but most of the places that we camp have none - I didn't feel or see a one of those pesky devils this last weekend!

7) If you're cold, put on your shorts and tank top and sit in the sun - if you're hot, put on your sweats and sit in the shade!

8) Quietness - Just the sounds of the stream and the birds - exactly what I need after a stressful week at work!

9) You never have to worry about running out of ice in your ice chest if you're just camping for a night or two - with the cold nights, the ice lasts a long time!

10) 300 days of sunshine - need I say more........

11) There's plenty of wildlife around - the usual squirrels, rabbits, deer and fox - and the more unusual elk and bear!

12) Bugs - we just don't have a lot of these either - sure, there are the usual flies and bees around but we hardly have any moths or crickets or June bugs!

13) NO PEOPLE!! After dealing with people all week, it's nice to camp where you don't have to see any other people, let alone talk with them! OF course, if you want to be around people, then just camp in the campground - otherwise head to the wilderness!

14) Unpredictable weather - there's a saying in Colorado that goes like this "If you don't like the weather, just wait 10 minutes!" And it's so true - it can be pouring rain or snowing and 10 minutes later, the sun is shining!

15) Wildflowers in the summer - golden aspens in the fall!

SO there you have it! Are you ready to come camping with us now?


ahh bear said...

mmmm marshmallows. And we LOVE sleeping in the cold too! Too bad it's only "cool-ish" until winter returns here!

Teri said...

I was ready to join you when I had only read the heading! Jay and I do miss camping!

DrKeppy said...

I'm ready!!!! But where are the pictures??