Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The "HOPE" Name!

My niece Amanda mentioned that I forgot to talk about in my prior blog about the new baby's middle name - Hope! She's right - I DO need to touch on this "special" name!

Hope is a family name on my mom's side - and I was the lucky one to receive the name "Hope" as my middle name! And then Jill was born on my birthday so her middle name is "Rebecca" after me.

Now little Aleah has arrived and Jill and Robby decided to use "Hope" as her middle name - I was so excited to have her middle name be the same as mine - gosh, the tears came to my eyes when they told me her name! I feel extremely blessed!!

So now we have 3 people in the family with "Hope" as their middle name - myself, Aleah, and niece Amanda! Now how special is that????


ahh bear said...

I love having a family name and getting to share it with family members - I hope Aleah loves it too!!

Teri said...

It is so fun to have a family name get passed down like this. I know how special it was to hear that my grandson would have the middle name of "Gran." And "Hope" has always had very special meanings to me too!