Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Keppys/BLOG MAKEOVER/Stroller Fun

Sunday mid-morning I headed over to Jessi's house - wow - does the paint job on their house look awesome or what!!! I was impressed!

So while the kids napped, Jessi did my blog makeover - what do you think???? I absolutely LOVE the new look - it's totally me as the picture you see is where we love to travel each year and the quotes at the side are 3 of my favorites! THANK YOU JESSI!!! I REALLY do appreciate it as I would NEVER have figured out how to do it!!

As soon as the kids got up, it was time to head to Caribou Coffee for my "fix" of turtle mocha! Yum, yum - Jessi chose to have a cold drink but since Caribou is not in our area, I just had to have my old standby! Then with coffees in hand, we put Mackenzie in the stroller and Evan on his backpack leash and walked around their outdoor mall! The hanging flower baskets were just gorgeous!!

Evan had a ball playing in the 2 water places and didn't seem to mind the cold water at all! I was more than happy to just stand at the side and snap pictures!

Notice this picture was taken RIGHT in front of the chocolate factory??? I was good though and didn't even walk in to admire all the chocolate! Evan thought the big, fat bear was kind of cool!

All too soon it was time to head home to the mountains - but I do have to admit it was a heck of a lot cooler at home than in Ft. Collins and Denver! What a great weekend spending time with all 3 daughters and their families!


DrKeppy said...

Oh the blog does look SO good!! I can't believe you actually got a picture of Evan smiling! It was fun to see you!

ahh bear said...

Agreed - the blog looks good and seems very you!!! What a fun weekend!

Teri said...

love the new look. It is definitely you! Sounds like you had a perfect weekend - getting to see all three families!