Monday, July 6, 2009

Aleah Hope Savage Has Arrived!!

I've always loved the 4th of July for its' colors of red, white and blue! It was just always fun to decorate! And then Jill and Robby got married 6 years ago on the 4th of July and I got to decorate an entire wedding in red, white and blue! Now we get to add ONE more event to this wonderful holiday - Jill and Robby's baby has arrived! Red, white and blue decorations for a birthday will be awesome!!
The phone call came at 5:23 am - I remember looking at the clock as the phone rang and Glenn handed it to me - yes, it was Jill and she was in labor - time to get ready and head up to Ft. Collins!!!

Of course there's always a few things to do BEFORE you can leave the house - basically I was all packed and everything had been in the car for a week, just in case! But since it was the weekend, now Glenn could come along! We did decide to take separate cars though because I knew I wanted to stay an extra night and Glenn needed to come home as he had appointments booked! FINALLY, we got left and I figured I would arrive about 9:00 which I knew would be PLENTY of time - after all, this was a first baby and I was fully prepared to have a long day ahead!

Glenn went to Denver and watched Evan so Jessi could leave and she was about an hour behind me - we talked on the phone and I told her I would call her as soon as I got there and found out how Jill was doing! Being the geographically challenged person that I am, I was very proud of myself for driving right to the hospital (of course Jill had emailed me directions) and I raced into the place and up to the maternity ward. They told me what room Jill was in and said to be sure and knock before I went in - OK - I knock - a nurse comes to the door and says, "Are you the mom?" and I said I was so she opened the door.
It's quite strange when your brain is "thinking" it's going to see one thing and it actually sees another because I saw Jill on the bed with Robby at her side and the midwife and 2 more people at the bottom of the bed and my first thought was that Jill was ready to start pushing!! And about that time Jill says, "You missed it!" and I said "I missed what????" and Jill says, "The baby - she's already born!!" And my pea-sized brain just can't comprehend what she's saying and I say, "But where's the baby?" and Jill says, "I'm holding her!!" duh..........

Of course then reality FINALLY sinks in and I burst into tears and run to the bed - my granddaughter is already born and I missed it!! DARN!!

But that's OK because that meant Jill had a REALLY short labor and the baby had arrived safe and sound!! Little Aleah weighed in at 6# 3 oz. and was 18 1/2" long! She has a full head of hair and of course is as cute as a button!!

(After my mind finally accepted that Aleah was actually here, I slipped out into the hall to call Jessi and then I didn't feel so bad because our conversation went the same way - "Jessi, we missed it!" "Missed what?" "The birth - she's already born!" "WHAT????????")

We had an enjoyable day in the hospital just hanging out together and holding the baby and taking lots of pictures!! Jill, Robby and the baby came home on Sunday evening and I stayed until Monday night to help them out (and of course to spend some special time with Aleah!!)

Grandchildren are certainly a blessing - and this new little one is JUST as special as the others! Congratulations Robby and Jill - I know you'll both be wonderful parents!


Teri said...

So sad you missed the birth but what luck for Jill to have such a quick labor. What a little doll. I am sure you will be making many trips up there!

ahh bear said...

You didn't even mention how she shares your middle name! (And mine!!) How exciting and congrats to Jill ... although she will REALLY have to rush to the hospital next time!

DrKeppy said...

Oh I LOOOVE the pictures you have of Aleah! She is just swimming in that onsie - so precious! I can't wait to hold her again!