Monday, November 23, 2015

An Ode To Me

My mind is blank, there's nothing to write.
Oh how could I've gotten myself in this blight!!

I think I was challenged to a blog a day,
But sometimes there isn't a thing to say.

No news to write, no gossip to spread.
I might as well just head to bed.

What a dilemma I'm starting to panic
Maybe I better go watch "The Titanic"

7 days to go - oh dear I'm a wreck!
Guess I could give up and say "What the heck!!"

But I never back down from a challenge you see
I'll persevere on so Jessi can't beat me!!!!!!


Teri said...

great poem - want to do my Christmas letter?

DrKeppy said...

I LOVE It!! I knew you would find something to blog about - ha!