Friday, November 13, 2015

Wood Splitting Anyone?

It's that time of year again - the wood stove is going full force!!  And it's not only at our current house but also at the new house!!  Luckily (since it's COLD out) we have the wood furnace up at the new house as our gas isn't hooked up yet!  SO that means double the amount of wood!

Glenn has cut some wood over on a friends' property so brought a load home last Sunday - he split it and I carried it and stacked it!  It's been put to good use the past few days!!

And our log splitter?  Our neighbor suggested going in together to get a splitter and share it and that's just what we did - it works great and is easy to pull around with the ATV!  It was a great shared purchase and sure makes the wood issue a little easier!!

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