Thursday, November 12, 2015

I've Been PROMOTED!!

Remember when I told you I was only allowed to paint the corners and around the logs?  Well that only lasted for a couple of days!  I have NOW been promoted to not only the FIRST coat of paint but the SECOND coat of paint!!

Glenn is just too busy to do the painting - but he does do the walls way up high because I just can't do them justice AND I'm scared to get on that top step of the ladder!!

We are making progress!!  I have painted the powder room and the laundry room.  The hallway is 1/2 done as waiting for Glenn to do the high up stuff and now I'm working on the bedroom!  The bedroom is being done in 2 colors - Twinkle and Greenyard - tells you a lot doesn't it? Actually it's the very lightest and second to the darkest on a paint strip - a green color, more like an olive than a hunter green!  Two of the walls will have the dark color in the bedroom and the big wall will have the light color!  So far the light color looks great!!

No pictures of the painted walls yet but at least a couple of pics of almost completed projects!!

Garage steps!!  Not quite done but getting there!!

 Deck railing - I love the way the deck looks now!!  Now let's get that hot tub up there and get it filled!


Jill said...

Love all the picture updates! Things are looking amazing!

Teri said...

Looking great - I bet you are getting so excited!