Thursday, November 5, 2015

Meanwhile - Up At The New House..........

Glenn and Roy are still working hard - I'm attempting some of the painting but since I'm not very good at it, Glenn has banished me to doing corners and places the roller can't get!  I don't mind corners - I do mind trying to paint around the log ends - yikes!!!!  After Glenn pulled the plastic away yesterday I could see many places where the wall is still white - and a few places where the log is painted.  Guess I know what I'll be doing in my spare time!!

The majority of the house will be painted this light brown color - I like the way it looks and it's an easy color to paint!

The fireplace is also being installed, taking a lot more time than expected.  More venting had to be ordered which finally came in - hopefully it can be finished soon so the rock part can begin!

So although most of the house is being painted the light brown, I KNEW we needed some color in the house!!  Toasted cinnamon is the name of the paint and I LOVE how it looks!!

Roy has also been working on the outside chimney and the rock is really looking nice!

Last but not least, the drywall has been started in the lower level.  We probably won't get it finished by the time we move in but at least it's a start!


Jill said...

The paint looks great! Things are really coming along!

Teri said...

Looking great. I love that cinnamon color. Hang in with the painting!

DrKeppy said...

It looks wonderful!